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G&G TR4 CQB-R With Vortex Strikefire 2 Scope and Vortex 4x Magnifier AND G&G Wild Hog with Vortex Crossfire.

G&G TR4 CQB-R With Vortex Strikefire 2 Scope and Vortex 4x Magnifier AND G&G Wild Hog with Vortex Crossfire.


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G&G TR4 CQB-R With Vortex Strikefire 2 Scope and Vortex 4x Magnifier with Magpul Fore grip.

G&G Wild Hog with Vortex Crossfire.

Both rifles and sight combinations come in a two gun, gun bag will additional magazines (Hi Cap and mid cap) speed loader battery charger and batteries (I recommend replacing the batteries thought).

Original boxes and manuals for the rifles are also included in this sale (not pictured and the original stock and fore grip for the TR4.

Reason for sale is I'm going back to air rifles as just gained some ground for shooting on.



  • Make
  • Model
    TR4 plus Wild Hog
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    See listing MAGS BAG EXTRAS

Manchester - United Kingdom

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