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GHK G5 (15 for postage)

GHK G5 (15 for postage)


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selling my GHK G5 with 6 mags, all leak free and everything is functioning well, this adverts also include a tracer unit that is in the photo, and two side rails that allow you to make this a cabine rifle, another thing to notice is that the rear side of the lower frame was reinforced by epoxy mod to provide a stronger backing for the recoil. 

it will also come with two extra nozzle, one is adjustable and the other one is the original nozzle, the gun has a 1J nozzle on atm, and also come with a semi only sear to lock it to semi.

additionally, this rifle had a camoflouge on before but it was removed, although some remaining in the holes and the inside of the front rail and some other small places.

Collection is preferred, or extra 15 for posting

feel free to message me by Whatsapp or SMS: 07361688525


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Birmingham, West Midlands - United Kingdom

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