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Everything I have!

Everything I have!


  • Price £123 Shipment cost 20 GBP
1 Offer
1 Question


Kwa t6 custom built cost me around 750 used maybe 10 times - gate titan v2 so can be connected to your phone shoot around 30rps wanted £400


ssg1 cost me around 400 the stock is broken just need the correct nut putting in can’t imagine it been expensive very fun to use shoot crazy fast around 25rps wanting £150


aap1/ dan Wesson m1911 both cost me £100 never used any of them aap has leaky mag so wanting  £30 and wanting £50 for Dan Wesson AAP SOLD!!

lots of battered and a display charger so you always know when there full


6 emp1 250rnd mags cost me around £35 each SOLD!!


1 1500 round electric mag battery already inside and comes with adapter to charge it cost me around £120 SOLD!!


dye i5 masks one clear one red cost me about £150 each case aswell for one of the masks SOLD!!

guns case and a gun bag case cost over £100 and bag coast me around £30 want £50 for gun case £10 for bag 

2 vest 1 quite cheap and one more expensive viper tactical comes with mag pouch and pistol holster can’t remember how much comes with pistol holster and mag pouch wanting £10 for cheap one and £25 for viper 


27k brushless warhead motor never used cost me around £115 SOLD!!


lots of other bits and bob few attachments and all the original parts out off the Kwa 




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    Lots of extras

Liverton mines, Yorkshire - United Kingdom

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