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FMA FCS AMP Dual Channel Tactical Headset & Helmet & Emerson Gear Vest Belt pounches everything in one

FMA FCS AMP Dual Channel Tactical Headset & Helmet & Emerson Gear Vest Belt pounches everything in one


  • Price £250 Shipment cost 20 GBP
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All in pictures for sale

FMA FCS AMP Dual Channel Pickup Noise Reduction Tactical Headset

I do not have a radio here to test it, so selling as picture shows only.
It is for airsoft use.
The helmet brand I am unsure , probably emerson gear, or it probably just the same brand as headset 
(FMA FCS), as it seems fixed to the helmet
So the whole deal comes with headset, helmet, goggle and the face cover (face cover never use, open straight from a new package, just for matching the color here, so literally give away for free), so everything you see in picture are yours

& Helmet & Emerson Gear Vest Belt pounches everything in one

This vest set comes with a water tank, it has pipes come with it (wrapped up in the blue bag)
Vest, pounches, belt...

Everything you see in picture are yours,  


250 pick up from rm10

270 parcelforce


I have also put them on ebay, if you are looking for a cheaper price or bargain, feel free to bid on ebay, 





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