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Mws cqbr

Mws cqbr


  • Price £1,234
0 Questions


I have an Mws and I’m looking for any of the following: Ghk M4/ MK18, Ghk Ak platform, Marui Akm/ akx, if you have any other gbbr or gbb smh try me, worst I could say is no

Unknown make kac urx handguard, barrel and gas block, laylax cnc red hop arm, es magpul moe stock and grip, semi only but will include enough money to buy a full auto selector


bad bits: common receiver issue where the mags don’t sit quite right, I’ve fixed that with a bit of tape and it runs well now, dust cover is ghk and doesn’t close unless you really push it, semi only but that will be paid for


mags: can come with 3 mags and/ or a drum depending on the deal and a prowin 9mm kit with 3 long mags I believe they leak though


  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    3 mags & drum

Rickmansworth, Please select region, state or province - United Kingdom

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