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Upgraded GHK AKS-74 with full travel+steel bolt

Upgraded GHK AKS-74 with full travel+steel bolt


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Hey all! 


So here is my other GHK for sale, this is a pre COVID GHK so no issues that I can think of. Not open to trades I'm sorry to say as I'm reducing my collection.


So everything in the package:

-Installed:Ghk AKS74 

-Real Bakelite pistol grip

-Full travel kit (just remove the plastic stopper under the dust cover for full travel)

-Full steel bolt (!)

-Comrade Quiche TDC Hop Mod 

-Maple Leaf Hop Unit 

-Maple Leaf Crazy Jet inner barrel 

-Maple leaf bucking

-Adjustable nozzle (so you can change the FPS with an Allen key)

-3 leak free mags (these were originally black but have been painted bakelite)

-W&S steel trigger assembly 

-Soviet tourniquet on the stock for ultimate style

-incread recoil rod (I think)



-Hephateuts Simulated real recoil spring rod

-speed loader adapter 

-3x CO2 valves to swap the existing ones to DH mod the mags so they run off CO2 bottles instead (sodasteam bottles). Very useful for winter but also very finicky as it dries your o rings out.

-Valve tool 

-Polymer Pistol Grip 

-Original aluminium bolt but the recoil rod is bent so not entirely useable but I'll throw it in anyway 



Issues/things to note:

-Sometimes semi will rarely double fire for some reason, not sure why (this is the only issue with the gun really)

-There is ware on the exterior, as all AKs should have! Might be an odd grub screw missing here and there for the barrel assembly but doesn't affect anything, still solid.


This thing kicks like a mule! 


FPS can go as low as you'd like. I normally run black gas in colder days and have it set for around 1 joule.


Can send a pre recorded video of it firing in the back garden on WhatsApp if you'd like, it won't let me post here.


PayPal fees and postage extra (postage might cost a bit due to the weight).

Will also throw in a free hard case to ship it in (it has seen better days however)

Thanks for looking and feel free to ask any questions!




Given the nature of these guns and how miss use can cause issues, I'm unable to offer refunds if anything goes wrong with the gun so all sales are final. Happy to help over messages however if any issues arrise the first couple of weeks! 



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