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GHK AUG Tactical handguard , 14” outer barrel , extension and flash hider .

GHK AUG Tactical handguard , 14” outer barrel , extension and flash hider .


  • Price £100
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These are surplus parts and unlikely to get used by me so may as well move them on , all in excellent condition and everything you need for a quick conversion EXCEPT inner barrel and hop unit .


GHK AUG Tactical quad rail handguard , with lower pin and upper bolt .


GHK 14” outer barrel and complete gas block . ( AUG PARA length ) 

4” barrel extension - brings the barrel and flash hider through the handguard to give a 16” set up , or run a silencer in the handguard for that phantom look .


flash hider , standard Ghk -14mm AUG .


£100 posted for the lot .


regards ,


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