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Tokyo Marui MWS Geissele

Tokyo Marui MWS Geissele


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1 Question


Selling my Tokyo Marui MWS. 
*HAO Geissele 13.5 handguard.
*Geissele Automatics cantilever single piece mount.
*Westhunter 4-16x44 w/ sunshade and flip ups.
*Ergo Grip
*5x mags
*Prometheus tightbore, modify tan bucking and SixG brass hop nub
*Magpul CTR stock in olive.


425fps on red gas and semi locked via the selector switch (safe-semi-semi). Also comes with a sub 350fps valve and a fully auto selector. Can be switched back to full auto in a few minutes.

An absolute unit of a rifle and no mistake, mega accurate, hits with a slap and as reliable as a house brick. Seriously good rifle.


  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
  • FPS
    425 / 350

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