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This is a polymer jg ak47. It's the light weight budget version that was originally faux wood and 2 tone. The 2 tone has been removed and the externals have had some scratches removed. I've disassembled the furniture and resprayed the "wood" with krylon OD and the "metal" with halfords matt black.


It shoots well but the cycling was slightly sluggish on a 7.4v lipo. Fps is consistent and just under the limit on 0.2g with no hop set. 


The butt pad of the stock does go on and stay on, but it doesn't take much for it to come loose. 


It comes with box and 1 hi cap. 


£70 including postage. You need ukara or valid defence to buy this please. 


Edit: I shot this at an outdoor range today and it shoots just as accurately and as far as my cyma cm.045. 


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