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G&G M1 Garand

G&G M1 Garand


  • Price £250
1 Offer
1 Question


Although this says used, it has only been fired once out of the box, hasn't been skirmished but fires fine and is in great condition, looking for £280 to £300 depending on the postage costs, but I am also taking into account that this is two toned, so will need some work for those out there who will strip the paint, however I am looking to swap for a Thompson M1A1 either KA or TM but all makes depending on the condition I am on the hunt for, I am also looking to swap for a KA M1 Carbine Para, feel free to contact me with any questions, I am selling as looking to work on a different loaodout and want this gun to get some use as it is a great peace and a fantastic rifle. comes with the original box and magazine.


  • Make
  • Model
    M1 Garand
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Mgazine,Cleaning rod

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