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ASG M15 Carbine

ASG M15 Carbine


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ASG M15 14.5" Devil Carbine, wired to deans and converted from full solid stock to buffer tube style. 

Full metal RIF with keymod handguard, Magpul MBUS Pro, Magpul grip and clone Magpul SL stock. 

Upgrades are only a Madbul TBB and a Specna M130 high torque motor. It would benefit from a new spring, possibly a M100 to get the fps up a bit. Luckily this has a Q/C gearbox, just remove the buffer tube (one bolt) and boom, access to the spring is right there.

Will include the rubber grips (there's one more somewhere) but I don't have any spare mags or batteries for it. 

Chrono'd on .25 BBs, you can see it is a very nice average that roughly translates to ~300fps if I were using .2s. 

Due to being out of work I'm forced to sell this and can only offer pick up rather than posting.


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