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Wanted: Russian-Style Vest

Wanted: Russian-Style Vest


1 Question



I am looking to buy any chest rig in the style of the below list that gives off an Eastern Bloc/Russian appearance.
I would ideally buy a Smersh, but I do not have £150 to blow on a chest rig.


  • Ideal - Russian rigs:
    • SMERSH
    • M2
    • D3CR
    • LBS
    • Ratnik
  • Accepting - Western rig with utility buttpack or similar style:
    • MFH (south african)
    • H Harness with pouches (e.g. Eagle)
  • Absolutely no Multicam, DPM, Black or Desert Camo.

I run an AK & SVD with a Gorka 3 suit and GP-5 Gas Mask.
I'm looking to complete my Metro/DayZ/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. loadout.
Any other eastern kit such as AK attachments/furniture, militaria etc is welcome.
Tags: ak mag., chest, rig, russian, smersh

Ely, Cambridgeshire - United Kingdom

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I have  2 x Type 56 chicom chest rigs listed on my ebay. These would make the base of the chest rig in your first photo. I also have another that I've DIY modded to have a front mounted dump pouch, elastic for mag retention and I've started but not finished sewing velcro into the mag pouches for additional closure. If any of that sounds interesting/helpful I can PM you pictures. Cheers, Oscar. 

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