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Aimpoint t2, Surefire bits, dual switch, baseplate.

Aimpoint t2, Surefire bits, dual switch, baseplate.


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Last bits for a while…


- Holy Warrior t2 - £35

- Element Surefire M340c, minus tube - £25

- Element block II dual switch - £15

- Taran PMAG baseplate - £15


All in good condition, the surefire head has a minor scrape on the metal, same with the baseplate. Can provide photos if you like.


The Surefire would be good for somebody looking to use a helmet mount like the S&S tube etc.

Price includes postage and PayPal.


£65 if you want the lot.

Will be at strikeforce CQB this weekend if you want to pick any of these up from me there.

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