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Tm Hc Aug

Tm Hc Aug


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Hi all,


Looking to sell my Aug to fund another project.

I got it in a trade deal as new 2 years ago. It was stock then and I've made no changes apart from the inner barrel. Stock barrel was sub 300mm and fps was 265. I swapped for a zci 340mm to boost fps to 300 ish. Other than that, no changes.


Gun didnt come with the usual tm foregrip but will come with the cheap fore grip and eotech pictured. Will also include original sights and flashider (suppressor not currently on the gun). Will come with 4 or 5 mags, mixed high caps and mids. No battery included.


In terms of use, due to personal circs, I havent fielded it as I have been airsoft once since the start of lockdown. I have put probably 5 or 6 mid caps through it, no more. 



In terms of trades, I am only interested in a part ex for a tm recoil m4, ak or g36.


  • Make
  • Model
    Aug High Cycle
  • FPS
    300 ish
  • Accessories
    Mags, cheap foregrip, eotech

- United Kingdom

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