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SOTAC G43 3x Magnifier + Holographic Red Green Sight

SOTAC G43 3x Magnifier + Holographic Red Green Sight


  • Price £80 Shipment cost 5 GBP
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These both look and work great - I just have too much stuff so need to sell! 


3 x Magnifier practically brand new - used in one skirmish before buying a 1 -4x variable which I prefer

Holo Sight never used


Magnifier costs £94 from new on Ebay (search Sotac G43 3x Magnifier to see) 

Holo costs £60 from new on ebay (search Sotac EXPS 3.0 Holo red Green) 


Looking for a total of £80 for both (savings of £75 from new)  


or if you only want one 

3x Magnifier for £50

Holo for £30


If you want any more pictures just message. 

BUCKINGHAM, Buckinghamshire - United Kingdom

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