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GHK AK105 ZenitCo Externals + Extras

GHK AK105 ZenitCo Externals + Extras


  • Price £600
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Make: GHK

Gun/Model: AK 105

Accessories: See list below

Condition: Used

FPS: 330FPS on .20g BBs (though see below)

Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: No x 3

Price/Payment: £600

Postage & Packaging: £15 (the whole package weighs 9kgs) will be sent via Parcel Force 48 express as they accepts Airsoft guns

Location: North East London (Leyton) or from my work in Enfield (near A10 BMW garage), if you prefer collection. For the A10 one please arrange it with me first as I work shifts.






All my sales threads are TL:DR but this way i am being fully transparent 


History of the GBBR

Purchased brand new back in May 2017 from a reputable airsoft retailer based in the UK

Has had various ZenitCo clone parts added to it

Has only been run on Green Gas and HPA (see below)

Has only been skirmishing once for 45 minutes then put away

Has been serviced by Aladdin’s Airsoft (GHK AK specialist)

Has since been sat in storage.


Comes with the following:

·         GHK AK 105 original box

·         5 x Green Gas Magazines

·         1 x HPA tapped magazine (see below for more info)

·         GHK AK 105

·         All stock parts (these include)

o   GHK AK 105 Folding stock

o   GHK AK 105 Top cover

o   GHK AK 105 front handguard top cover

o   GHK AK 105 front handguard lower cover

o   GHK AK 105 flash hider

o   GHK AK 105 Pistol grip

o   GHK AK 105 recoil weight

o   GHK AK 105 brass inner barrel

o   GHK AK 105 plastic hop up chamber set

o   GHK AK 105 buffer

o   GHK AK 105 aluminium trigger sear

o   GHK AK 105 nozzle (around 400FPS on .20g BBs)

o   GHK AK 105 bolt carriage (broken – snapped handle)

o   GHK AK 105 stock recoil spring

The extras installed include

·         ZenitCo (Repro) DTK-1 Flash Hider

·         ZenitCo (Repro) B10-M front lower handguard RIS

·         ZenitCo (Repro) B-19N front upper handguard RIS

·         ZenitCo (Repro) B-33 Upper RIS Receiver cover

·         ZenitCo (Repro) RK-3 Pistol Grip

·         ZenitCo (Repro) PT-1 telescopic Stock

·         GHK/Samoon Flared magwell guides

·         FG Airsoft Summer Spring

·         FG Airsoft adjustable nozzle

·         TNT CNC Aluminium hop up chamber with 300mm inner barrel

·         Steel Trigger Sear

·         FG Airsoft High Speed Buffer

·         FG Airsoft heavy weight recoil

Extras included but not installed

·         1 joule nozzle

·         ZenitCo (repro) RP-1 oversized charging handle



The AK was purchased brand new from a reputable UK based airsoft retailer, it had various ZentiCo repro parts added to it and cosmetically it is in great shape. You can have it all tacticool or if you prefer you can revert back to its original condition.

It has only been skirmishing once at Red1 Chisulhurst for about 45 minutes and whilst I loved the blow back I wasn’t getting on with it clearly I am not an AK guy more a M4 one.

It was then sent to Aladdin’s Airsoft for servicing before being handed back to me, after that I shot a few shots from it in the back gardens before putting it away and moving back to my M4s, it has since sat in storage in a gun bag gathering dust with silica gel packs inside to stop moisture getting to it.

As usual with any airsoft gear there are a few scuffs and scratches but nothing deep on the metals. The top ZenitCo repro B-33 upper receiver cover has had to be modified so that it fitted correctly. I had to grind away a small portion of the cover which you can see in the photos on the charging handle side. This does not affect functionality.

You’ll probably notice that there is a spare bolt carrier included in this sale. This is the AK105’s original BCG on which I installed the ZenitCo (repro) RP-1 charging handle for extra tacticoolness. Well that oversized tacticool handle’s extra weight caused the original BCG handle to snap off during shooting and so a spare was bought and replaced the broken one. The spare has never had the RP-1 attached.




All magazines are gas tight, no leaks but show usual signs of wear around the feed lips. You may have noticed that I am advertising 1 of the mags as HPA, this of course isn’t gas tight as the HPA tap is just a hole. This was a prototype mag I made testing to see if I could HPA the AK and yes I did and yes it works. The tap is a CQB Russian one so accepts normal US spec HPA QD connections. I’m throwing this in for free as unfortunately the HPA tapping is permanent unless you can find something (glue maybe) which can hold the pressure of green gas and seal it back up again.

All mags will be gassed prior to shipping, please re-gas them immediately upon receiving them



Range wise I couldn’t tell you as I have had very little chance to shoot this, however it does have the CNC’d aluminium TNT Hop-up chamber retro fit kit installed which works, feels and operates much better than the stock GHK Hop up chamber.



The FPS on this GBBR is adjustable as it has the FG Airsoft AFS nozzle installed, prior to storage the nozzle performed exceptionally well producing some very consistent FPSs around 335FPS using .20g BBs on Green Gas. However since pulling it out of storage I have noticed a strange fault where the first BB fired is 335FPS and thereafter all BBs shot are around 230 to 280FPS unless I forward assisted the charging handle it would jump back up to 335FPS. I suspect that this is an alignment or air seal issue between the nozzle and the hop up chamber, however as I planned to sell the AK I had no time to trouble shoot this issue. Mostly likely an easy fix.


Reason for sale:

Firstly after using the AK for a short while I came to the quick conclusion that whilst cool, it wasn’t for me. I was so used to operating an M4 that I found my motor skills were not adapted to it such as rocking the magazine in and flipping my right thumb expecting to find a fire selector (as it is on an M4). Furthermore I recently bought a GHK M4 I love using and handling that more than the AK, I cannot justify keeping it gathering dust and I am sure there is someone out there who will enjoy using this more than me.



Overall this is a full topped out GHK set giving you several options on how you want it kitted out, there are various nozzles, two recoil weights, two recoil springs, two bolt buffers amongst other things. All in all I spent over £1400 for parts, shipping, tax and duties costs as most of the parts came from abroad therefore I feel £600 is a fair asking price.


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  • Accessories
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