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Custom M4 with interchangable uppers

Custom M4 with interchangable uppers


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Make: G&G receiver - troy rail - angry gun steel lvoa rail - custom internals
Gun/Model: M4
Gun was a G&G base (full metal,) since then it has had full lonex internals fitted (piston, cylinder, cylinder head, piston head, pom nozzle), with pdi 6.03 steel barrels and flat nubs (a seprate hop unit and barrel for each length) and an asg high speed upgrade motor.
troy rail (shorter one) angry gun lvoa rail (longer one,) QD suppressor, a pts syndicate enhanced stock and speed trigger.
wired to deans with an ETU
the diffrent uppers are hot swapable with very little hassle just take the pin out, slide on off, slide the new one on and put the pin back in.
will throw in 2 x titan stock 7.4 stock batterys that run this gun and the hard case.
FPS: 340


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  • Accessories
    suppressor, full extra upper


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