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Micro rig expander wings - Grey

Micro rig expander wings - Grey


  • Price £15
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A 2-column pair of these:



Can either be sandwiched between a placard/micro chest rig and PC or worn just as a chest rig.  I've covered the hook velcro rear area with various bits of loop to avoid any snagging and set the width to the right size for a spiritus rig, but this is 2 separate wings that can be used individually if desired.  I can also include some female 1" buckles for the corners for strapping to a harness/back strap for a couple of quid more (if your micro rig doesn't have the field repair removable buckles).


Laser cut from laminate cordura, compatible with any modular pouches you might want to add to the sides of your micro; personally I like a GP for my phone and wallet one side then a smoke pouch the other side for a BFG.  Supremely slim, weigh almost nothing, highly flexible.


Worn for one short indoor game, immaculate.  Price is all-in in the UK, ONO.

London/Oxford - United States

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