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Up for sale is my GHK AK, with all the 'flaws' engineered out, and is now a consistent, reliable and efficient fun gun!

It has been named a 105U as i have shortened the outer barrel from 12.5" on a standard 105 to 11" hence the 'U' for short, giving no performance loss but much better maneuverability, especially with a suppressor.

Most recently gamed all day with this at Echelon on Sun 5th this month, 20 mags through it perfect.

It doesnt come with a  gun case, but i could purchase one if the new buyer wants one/and it sent in one, otherwise it will just be extremely well boxed up.

Price includes PayPal fees, Defence required, collection or delivery insured £38.00

Easily the most fun GBBR ive ever owned, an absolute joy to drive and reloads always get attention!


GHK AK flaw #1 - the barrels are not square/inline with the bolt assembly, so the nozzle does not mate the bucking perfectly flat, this eats buckings, causes erratic FPS, and big shot inconsistency.

This is because the stamped lower receivers folded edges doesnt allow the sight block/barrel receiver to sit square when it is riveted in at the factory.

To remedy this the sight block/barrel receiver on this has been removed, receiver has been worked, the sight block jig aligned and then TiG welded back in place.


GHK AK flaw #2 - the bolt is not properly guided during the the last half of its rearward travel, causing binding and wear to the bolt. Basically it tries to eat itself.

This is because the the front of the bolt which runs in the gas tube is massively undersized, as such it does not offer any guidance/support to the bolt.

I assume this was made like this because of flaw #1 - as the barrel is not square to the bolt, this means the front of the bolt would run out of true inside the gas tube and bind up/jam, so rather than remedy flaw #1 GHK just undersized this part as a workaround.

To remedy this - as the barrel, bolt and gas tube are now all parallel, i could make a nylon bushing (the white part) that runs closely to the inside of the gas tube.

So now the bolt action is super slick and gas efficient.


GHK AK flaw #3 - the hop unit and buckings are just pretty rubbish, they move around a lot, not very secure with the inner barrel and buckings are proprietary.

To remedy this i machined in a Laylax MWS hop unit, along with a TDC hop up, running a custom brass Omega type nub, and it now takes standard VSR buckings.

So it now performs like an MWS, 60M effective range with 0.32s @ 320 FPS


GHK AK flaw #4 - more commonly known are that most of the hammer/trigger/sear parts break, so these are all now Hephaestus billet steel parts.


Externally it has;

Machined in TWI Zenit B-10U handguard

TWI Zenit B-19H upper handguard

RS Zenitco RK-9 tan pistol grip

Kripps custom magwell

LCT Bulgarian 4PC flash hider

Ambi mag release


Internally it has;

Prometheus MWS stainless 6.03 inner barrel

SixG Laylax MWS hop unit w/TDC mod

TM bucking and SixG brass Omega

0.9J GHK nozzle

Fast recoil / high speed bolt kit

'Summer' recoil rod/spring currently fitted

This gun is fast!


Spares wise;

5x perfect 40rd GHK gas mags

1x perfect 40rd GHK CO2 mag

Spare feed lips and gas route

traditional speed loader device

3D printed speed loader - EPIC!

Spare fill ramp for 3D loader

1x GHK high power nozzle used good

1x GHK high power nozzle new

1x GHK low power nozzle new

Spare nozzle O rings

'Winter' recoil rod/spring

Heavy recoil bolt weight

Original bolt stop

Original trigger/sear parts

RS Zenitco rail panels

RS Zenitco cable tidies



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