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WE GBB M4A1 with 1 mag.

WE GBB M4A1 with 1 mag.


  • Price £240 Shipment cost 15 GBP
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Selling my WE Gas blowback M4 because I've got far too much stuff to use. Doesn't help that every single time I go to a game day it winds up being cold as hell so green gas rifles just won't perform as well as they should. 

Rifle will include 1 leak free mag and the carry handle rear ironsight, I just took them off while in storage and snapped the pics minutes before heading out to work. I'll take better pictures over the weekend but can provide pictures of them pre-paintjob if need be in the meantime.

In great condition, only had one careful owner before me. Has a few small Ratech and TNT parts from what I recall - hammer, trigger, sear and valve locker or something. Seller sent me the originals in a bag as spares which I seem to have lost. If I find them I'll throw them in though. The handguard, grip and magazine have been spray painted dark grey because I thought the whole thing being tan looked pretty ugly. Not an amazing paintjob but its not a scuffed and gunky mess either - just a couple of basic coats. Fires at around 280-310 depending on gas used.

Postage is £15.


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    1 mag

Rotherham, South Yorkshire - United Kingdom

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