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L119A1 Project

L119A1 Project


1 Question


Hi guys,

considering the sale of my L119A1 project AEG.


base gun is a CYMA M4 CQB. (£190 new)


it would come with the following extras/upgrades

3x kwa midcaps

Madbull ultimate hop (bbs still fall out so maybe needs a different o-ring)

socom RC2 suppressor & flashider.

Asap sling point rear.

cQd sling point front.

vertical grip.

angled foregrip.

G&P storm motor grip (plus the original)

ACOG 4x32 ( full trades but the reticle is a mil-dot crosshairs. Very clear scope just not 100% accurate for the A1.


its a new gun so looking for somewhere near the £350 mark.


i have a Brownells CAR-15 stock coming and the Guarder rubber butt pad to finish it off - I can add those for an extra £65.


this is basically to test interest. I’ll keep the project going unless someone buys it. I just don’t have much time to use it at the moment.





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- United Kingdom

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