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GHK AK Parts, Mags, TNT hopup, etc.

GHK AK Parts, Mags, TNT hopup, etc.


1 Question


Hiya all! I'd have some stuff to sale...

SOLD-GHK AK74 Mags,  2 of them are "fake plums" which were black originally and will be again if you'd like to remove the paint and 1 of them is orange, all 3 are gas tight and has their feedlips moded as usual. 40GBP/Plum , 45GBP/Orange

SOLD -GP25 Buttpad replica 10GBP

SOLD-ATG replica from GreyShop 30GBP

SOLD-Zenit B10 replica, ask for mounting measurements please. 20GBP

SOLD-LCT Plum upper handguard replica(I know the picture of it isn't the best) 5GBP

SOLD-Kings Arms GP30 replica, never used, grip has been cut in order to make 7.62 mags reloadable. 110GBP

SOLD-TNT APS-X hopup 320mm set for GHK 105, never been fielded, scratch marks are due to mounting it, has the material taken of from the bucking at the usual place to prevent missfeeds jams 60GBP

-Viper BuckleUP  gen 1 plate carrier, Brilliant stuff, never been fielded.  115GBP
  -3 Original mag pouches (1 has it's bungee cord missing)
  -2 Fast mag pouches(hands down these are the best pouches ever)
  -1 Small admin pouch(has multiple compartments)
 -1 double elastic pistol mag pouch
 -1 dump pouch(not pictured)  
Can sell the attachments individually but I'd rather like to sell it as a whole  

If you'd like more pictures of any of these feel free to ask.
I'm open to for offers. 

, Lancashire

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