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Ares l85a2,

Ares l85a2,


0 Questions


Here I have a old ares l85, 

Its been used alot, so that comes with the marks etc, I got it in a swap but moving to gbbrs, so looking to shift it, 


It had a broken tappet and a worn out cutoff leaver, 


I contacted ares and orded 3 tappet plates and 2 cutoff leavers, 

Iv installed one of each so there is 1 cutoff leaver and 2 tappets as spares 


With that of installed a warfet, apart from that the internals are stock, 



The mag well was Rivited on by prev owner but feeds perfectly, 

It was also missing the iron sights, 

So I manged to get some ics ones that I had to dreamal the inside of the carry handle to fit properly but again it's working perfectly, 


1 mag and rail adaptor

Comes with everything in the pic, 

Its shooting 330 with a new spring 

170 posted. 


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- United Kingdom

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