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JG XM177 (M733 Colt Commando mix)

JG XM177 (M733 Colt Commando mix)


1 Question


I never thought I'd do this but I'm letting it go.


It was a JG XM177 but I removed the flash hider for a later M733, commando birdcage type.

I spent quite a lot of time wearing this as you can probably tell (It does look better to the eye).  Its not to everyone's taste but if you want something that looks like its been through the shit in Vietnam then this should fit the bill 😉

I also spent quite a bit of time/money on finding the correct round handguards.  (I'll include the original ovals as there is a bit more space in them)


Can fit a 1300mAh LiPo in the guard quite comfortably so should be able to go higher.


Shoots very well between 320-330fps (I was using a mix of 0.2g BB's brands so a bit inconsistent there)


Included 120rd mid-cap mag (also with worn effect)


Working charging handle bolt catch and release.


No swaps thanks


NOTE: I'm including a 1600mAh NiMh 8.4v but no charger.

Gun and Battery wired to DEANS


Price is all included


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    Mid-cap magazine


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