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WE M712 Mauser

WE M712 Mauser


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Everything shown included in price as well as original box, all mags are fully gas-tight and work flawlessly, Long mags have 31 round capacity so if you can find a convenient way to holster this iconic gun, its one helluva sidearm. Has a very high full auto functionality, but I'd advise against using it a lot as it'll wear out the internals more. Shoulder stock/holster works brilliantly, please note the 11 round short mag has had its locking open catch removed to prevent it from locking open the gun, as I only used this mag for display purposes and dry firing.  Everything has been oiled after each skirmish, internals are all in great condition and external condition is as seen in pictures. Absolutely beams .28s with a bit too much hop, would advise using .3s with this. Chronos quite close to being too hot at around 250, so I'd advise using duster gas to stay under site limits when the weather is really hot (not that that will be anytime soon). Will be cleaned and oiled prior to being sent out. Brilliant gun, sad to see it go, but my loadout just doesn't work with it, and I have plenty of fun GBB toys already. If you buy it and plan to use it with a WW1 loadout... Promise to send me some pictures, as I'm sure it would look absolutely amazing.


If you'd like to know more about this gun, there's a brilliant review here outlining the various pros and cons; https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/5p0lpr/we_mauser_m712_review/


150 for everything you see including the pouches, this includes postage cost but does not include PayPal fees if you're using PayPal.


Will be happy to sell the pouch and maybe one of the magazines separately but no more than one.


I can be reached here or on 07717682228 for a quicker response, Cheers for reading, stay safe everyone.


  • Make
  • Model
    M712 Mauser
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Holster/case, Pouches

Mill Hill, London - United Kingdom

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