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  • Price £260
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so full disclosure yes it's that gun......


an lct g03, however unlike out of the box this one is now snappy and doesn't sound like it's eaten a bag of gravel, all i had to do was rewire to a warfet, replace the hop rubber with a PDI W-hop and oh yes, replace the whole goddamn gearbox with a jg one because jg actually know how to put a gearbox together.....


however, if you don't beleive me that a pretty much stock jg gearbox with a little tlc is better than the lct box i'm including the original, so you can see how bad it is.


the stock lct motor appears to have gone walkies, so in it's place there's a rocket 16tpa (pretty good if a little on the slow side for the build i was going for, the motor in the gun is i think an ics "turbo3000" which seems to be pretty snappy on 11.1)


with the jg box she's putting out 0.94j with ~3fps variance on geoffs 0.32's, lct box should be something similar (it's the original spring cut down by gunfire)



comes in original box, price includes postage


  • Make
    LCT (with jg box)
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    original lct gearbox

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