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JG SG550 Custom painted. But now without Accessories!

JG SG550 Custom painted. But now without Accessories!


2 Questions


Hi all

I bought this JG SG550 brand new from an on-line shop about several months ago, for the sole purpose of doing it up DMR style, giving it a camo job, taking some pictures, and then making it available to purchase.

After having no joy on a sale I decided to sell all the accessories on separately as I had no joy selling as is.  The gun just comes with the original battery and charger, but the rails I bought for the AVG and the torch are still on the handguard.


It's all standard as bought from the shop with no upgrades internally, so take it as stock on the FPS etc.  I can leave it as is in Camo, or I can re-spray it back to grey/black, or grey/green?


New price £125 posted.



  • Make
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  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Just some handguard rails

- United Kingdom

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