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WE Tactical Navy Seal M4

WE Tactical Navy Seal M4


  • Price £80
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Having a clear out! So WE tactical Navy Seal M4. As you can see the gun is chrono'd on the hot side with the average bang on the 350fps limit. I'd personally swap out the spring to bring it down. It is working and has the unique safety feature that releases the main spring pressure. I've repainted the upper receiver, barrel, foresight as well as around the edge of the mag well (not as a single unit but in their constituent parts then reassembled to get a better finish). The false bolt is meant to snap back in place when the cocking handle is released but it's a little tight and needs help! The price reflects the facts that this not a mint condition, but a well used airsoft gun albeit with plenty of life left in it. Flash mag included, no battery. Wired to mini tamiya. £80, £10 postage (if the postage is less I'll refund you the difference). payment via PayPal.


  • Make
  • Model
    Navy Seal M4
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Flash Mag

, North Linconlshire - United Kingdom

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