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Ghk m4 v1

Ghk m4 v1


  • Price £650
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Heres my ghk m4 bought it to play with but life gets to us and must free up some coin


It's a nice snappy rifle 

Has a heavy buffer

Captain American hop unit  and barrel set

Daniel defense  7.0 lite rail

Ergo pistol grip

Ergo magwell grip

Genuine Magpul pts stock

6 x g5 pmags all gas tight

Vortex crossfire

Spare rail fits nicely but outer barrel needs modding and the gas block needs a grub screw.

(Peq not included)


Safety is a bit stiff probably do with a service 

Ive not had the chance to skirmish this due to covid


If the rail was changed to the 9.5 inch dd rail it would be a nice mk18 build


I'm after 650 all in postage and fees

Or 550 with  out the vortex

will only sell vortex if it rifle sells first



  • Make
    Ghk m4
  • Model
    Version 1 m4
  • FPS
    340 ish
  • Accessories
    As discribed

Leicester, Leicestershire - United Kingdom

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