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WE G36C GBBR WE 999C (Two Tone)

WE G36C GBBR WE 999C (Two Tone)


  • Price £200
1 Question


Make: WE
Gun/Model: G36c / We999c
Accessories: modified scope carry handle, original carry handle 5 magazines, black hand guard
Condition: Used, functions well, some marks and signs of use. 
FPS: gas dependant
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: maybe x3 
Price/Payment: £200 - + £10 postage   - Post only due to Covid-19
This G36c has seen some good use and the exterior is slightly dinged, mostly just to the blue paint though. Internally its been maintained well and feeds and fires well with goof kick, the internals have been well maintained with silicone oil.

the magazines are in mixed condition,  4 are in good condition and hold gas well and lock the bolt  back, though one is missing its plastic base plate (this doesn't affect function or use)  The magazine with white paint leaks and is  missing the small screw which holds its plastic cover in place, with new O rings this magazine would still function but is considered for spare/repair at the moment. 


shoots brilliantly and the extra rail space at the end really helps, in terms of trade, make an offer, I'm only really looking for rifles, AEG, EBB or GBBR, or an Ares as02/03 


  • Make
  • Model
    G36c 999C
  • FPS
    gas dependant


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