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WE Apache MP5SD3

WE Apache MP5SD3


  • Price £475 Shipment cost 15 GBP
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1 Question


Here is my Apache MP5SD3. I love this gun a lot but I now need to move away from an subgun platform. The gun is in good working order, I have had no issues with it so far and have thoroughly enjoyed the similarities to the real firearm. The gun has performed really well for me and has not let me down. I have never used it in an airsoft game, purely in a controlled training environment, however because of covid and a change of work I need to sell it in order to facilitate the purchase of a HK or m4 platform. It has had probably less than 2000 rounds down it. I have taken good care and maintained it well. I've applied a paint job to the gun as well with krylon matte paint. 
The gun comes with:

  • 4x 45 round magazines (£45 each)
  • 2x Collectior edition closed mags (£70 each)
  • Bottom rail segment (£25)
  • Tango down style forward grip (£20)


I would consider trades for an M4/416/417 style platform that is gas operated and with a minimum of 6 mags.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to message me. I can also provide videos if the RIF firing on request as well as other pictures.


  • Make
  • Model
    Apache MP5SD3
  • FPS
    Dependant on weather and gas
  • Accessories
    6 mags, Forward grip, rail segment, bottom rail segment,

Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire - United Kingdom

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