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Eye Protection

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Never cheap out out on things like this think about it


£70 to keep your eyes? not bad if you ask me


But types of protection?


Full face mesh

Mesh Goggles

Shooting Glasses

Bolistic Goggles


It depends on the type of protection you want becuae they all come with pros and cons

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Well between glasses and mask?






Dont mess with optics

Dont fog up

Better field of view




No face protection what so ever (except eye of course)

Not as secure as other methods

If worn wrong they whont give you complete protection

Full Mask




Full face protection

Cheap but effective

Dont fog up




Can interfear with optics

Can be uncomftible

Field of view can be restricted

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I have one of these :


To test how strong it was, I emptied a 30 round mag from an M4 into it, from 15 feet away. The paint on the visor is chipped, but its still intact. BBs also mark the the mask where they hit the plastic, as they leave white scuff marks.


I went for the mask because my parents at the time wanted to make sure I kept all my teeth (something I'd like to do). Until I can find something that gaurds my teeth/mouth, but isn't a full mask, I'm keeping it.


The cons - well, because this is mesh, it doesn't fog up. My glasses under the mask though...

View is definitly restricted. Take a look through a letter box. Your vision is limited to the space of about 2 letter boxes, one on top of the other.

ADS - you may find it difficult to aim down (IRON) sights with a mask, as it bulks your face width up. I've found it near impossible to ADS with an L85 - however, when a scope/sight unit is added, its easier (you can angle your head and the eye-bit is bigger than iron sights)

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i would also check the safety rating on the glasses you want to buy, they may be branded as "protective glasses" and may be ok if your working in a lab or somewhere, on an airsoft field they would just shatter,


hope this helps ;)

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Well if you did that throw it away


It survived. I didn't throw it away, but I do have a replacement (due to a friend messing up his order).


Yes some glasses are useless. You can buy one type of mesh-goggles that won't surive hits that are stronger than 250 FPS. Strangly, you can buy stronger, better goggles for less :blink:

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If your eye protection takes a hard direct hit throw it anyway


I dont know if any off you are motorbke users but what do you do if you drop your helmet or fall off and your head??


For any non-riders you get rid off it and buy one BRAND NEW (not secondhand)


Its because hidden cracks can apper and weaken the helmet makeing it useless in a accident


Its the same for eye protection because of the same reason


Think about it....

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"should" :P i also thought that about S10 gasmask lenses, nope. i would get the EU saftey rating or play it save and get some from an airsoft retailer!


its your eyes at the end of the day.

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