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Mock Knife

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How do you go about making a knife hit on someone though, you cant say take your hit or bang, so do you say take your slash or im awa tae stab ye or just plain old your deed lol :)

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  jimbo68 said:
How do you go about making a knife hit on someone though, you cant say take your hit or bang, so do you say take your slash or im awa tae stab ye or just plain old your deed lol :)


Well i think in the video he says take you hit

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well its a quite kill so you should'nt have the problem of HIT being called out stright away, and the bang thing i just stab them and wisper knive that normally works

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  • 2 months later...
  Lost Paradise said:
Where can you get a mock knife from? I would quite like to get a decent looking one for my tac vest

Check out cold steel, they make rubber training knives, designed to be as realistic as possible but completely safe to use in a realistic way. And they're pretty cheap too, for a hi quality product.

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  • 2 months later...



The "Combat Rubber Knife" is quite good, Blitz equipment is used by loads of martial arts clubs, I would have thought that would be safe enough but you'd probably have to show it to the marshals first, I think I might get one actually, I've got a load of leather scraps I used to make stuff for Civil war re-enacting with so I can easily make a sheath for it.

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