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Best place to buy GBBR parts?


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I'm looking to get into the world of GBBR's by picking up a second hand one from here on the forum. My only worry is with something breaking and not being able to get hold of backup parts. 


So far, the only one that seems to have a plethora of spares online is the TM MWS, however that's obviously right up there when it comes to budget. 


So, question to anyone a little more adept in the world of GBB, where do you buy from? Should I be worried about my gun breaking? And what GBB options are the best for maintaining? 


For clarity, I've been looking mostly at the TM MWS, GHK M4s or the TM MP7.


Thanks in advance!

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TM MWS has the most aftermarket support. It wouldn't surprise me if you could buy each component individually and build one from the ground up. Pretty much any HK shop will carry MWS parts.


GHK QC has gone down the toilet on their rifles so I would tread carefully. I think the current recommendation is avoid or get a sorted used one. Spares are available from Samoon. Fairly reasonably priced iirc.


I could be wrong but I think the TM MP7 is notoriously difficult for getting hold of spares. That said, it's pretty reliable so not a massive problem until it is. Also, it's not to scale and feels like a toy compared the the WE and VFC offerings.


In summary, yes expect your GBB to "break" but unless you have terrible bad luck it will be what are considered consumable items like nozzles and springs etc which are recommended to have a few spare on hand to swap in should something fail. 

Edited by hitmanNo2
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Tm MWS has a massive amount of aftermarket support (though not all of it I would consider an upgrade) but enough users and support to see you until you retire from the hobby 


GHK QC has recently (2020 onwards) slowly deteriorated, “apparently” their tooling is wearing out so machine tolerances mare slowly getting worse

Their AK version is slated for out of line trunions and squint barrels

Though, to be honest, my pre ‘19 v1 M4 is superb with a couple of thoughtful upgrades. Parts are easily enough found from HK retailers


I can’t really comment on the MP7, other than it is roughly 10% smaller in size than the RS version

(rumour has it they copied the blueprint of the genuine item but not to scale 😂)

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6 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

(rumour has it they copied the blueprint of the genuine item but not to scale 😂)

I think they took the length minus the flash hider or something like that which screwed it all up iirc.

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