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Where is best to sell unwanted and unused gear/guns?


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Hi, just wondered what/where you guys recommend for selling airsoft gear?

It's all opened but never used as I got them for gifts a while ago but never fully got into it so only ever used rentals.

Gear is currently on Facebook market place but l've heard they remove the sale of airsoft guns from there?

Any help is appreciated.

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As you have only just joined you probably won’t have access to the classifieds in here. But here’s a link

post pics with a date stamp (your user name and the days date written onto a piece of paper) and have it shown included with the item

As good a description as you can, along with a list of what’s included

The generally accepted rule of thumb is 70% of cheapest retail you can find 👍



Edited by Enid_Puceflange
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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