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ARP 9 magazine not feeding properly


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When using the stock ARP 9 hi capa magazine. It will feed about 7 shots when fully wound then double feed or stop firing all together. 

If I slap  the magazine or take it out and out it back in I can shoot about 10 before the same problem occurs.

I tried someone else's magazine and had no problem, so it's obviously my magazine that is the problem.

I have tried dissembling the mag for cleaning and service as I have been using it straight for 2 months now.

I have used this guide.


But it does not say how to get to the workings.

I could not find how to disassemble the workings as I could not find any obvious screws which would come out.

Does any one know how to fix this problem or know how to disassemble the internals of the magazine?


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I've got 5 hi cap magazines and I've found the same issue when I use them,


3 work fine, the other 2 feed then don't


I replaced my hop unit for a zci rotary plastic one and they feed better but still sometimes it's an occassional issue,


I was offered a swap with the store that supplied them (Patrol base)

But I never got round to it.



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it's a magazine design flaw, the wheel is way too undersized to lift that many BBs without needing constant winding.


When I had the ARP-9 I had the same issue, experienced the same with MP5 mags, and now that I have a Specna X01 that uses very similar, if not identical mags, the same bollocks occur :D


These guns shine with midcaps or drums, highcaps unfortunately are shit by design.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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