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Scope protectors


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How would one go about finding the right size for a threaded scope protector? If it helps, I have a vector optics Grimlock. It has a thread inside the tube, but new to me how to go about finding the size. 

Edited by JinxDuh
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They're 30mm tube, so I'd say a 30mm killflash (assuming that's the kind of protector you're looking for).

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17 minutes ago, Lozart said:

They're 30mm tube, so I'd say a 30mm killflash (assuming that's the kind of protector you're looking for).

Didn't think it would be so simple to be honest 🤣 Cheers!

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11 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:

Didn't think it would be so simple to be honest 🤣 Cheers!


That is straight off the Vector Optics FAQ to be honest.

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All of the options I found wouldn’t be delivered in time for the weekend, so I got… “creative”


I ordered a G33 kill flash from Aliexpress which turned up last week, but didn’t fit my G33 (???)


It was slightly too small for the LPVO to actually screw in, but it sits inside fine and then I used the dust cover to hold it in place



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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