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WE M16A1 Bolt Lock


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Just took my A1 out of storage to fit a USGI stock and figured I'd give it a little back garden shoot and noticed I was having some bolt lock issues, however in typical me fashion... It's not the normal bolt lock issue.


The common occurrence is the bolt won't lock back on empty. Mine does that just fine, however...


It locks back with no magazine in the gun? It's by no means a major issue, I'm just a little confused. 

Just thinking about it a bit more and I believe the cause is the buffer spring and buffer itself, as it's not standard WE (Real steel buffer spring and a buffer block). Guessing the bolts going back too far and locking. Bolt release functions and she runs fine though. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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