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Warrior DCS - Any option to make it Quick Detach


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As per the title really,


I have a Warrior DCS and would like to change it to a QD type. I have seen the QD cummerbunds on AliExpress but they look very frail and Indint think they’d stand up to much before breaking.


Anyone got any advice or a recommendation?



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Appreciate the reply.


Do you have any idea how the AliExpress ones hold up - as stated I have seen them, they just don’t look particularly sturdy

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I've been using this with my DCS - the cummerbund ends up being pretty much the same dimensions as the stock one. I've used the tubes mechanism about 100 times now and its not showing any signs of wear.



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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