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Armageddon Airsoft Ltd

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Posted (edited)

Hi Guys we own a outdoor 18 acre woodland site just outside Middlesbrough, we have owned it for 12 months, we welcome all to our site you can find us on Facebook & Instagram WhatsApp etc


anybody fancy trying us out we are a friendly site and welcome anybody  

Edited by armageddonairsoftltd
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You've had some reviews on here already, do a search for armageddon for any possitives & opportunities.

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Posted (edited)

@armageddonairsoftltd Copying my post from the "How did your airsoft day go?" thread. I was there on Sunday 12th. I've hidden my post in a spoiler to keep this post compact.


Hoping this will help locals give this site consideration for a visit, sorry for the wall of text.

Armageddon Airsoft: The Woodland - £20 walk on. First time at this site depsite being on my doorstep and I have nothing negative to say about anything within the sites control.

The site had a raffle for a CYMA Deagle AEP on the day at £2.50 per ticket. Staff were super friendly and chatted with all players all day (incuding the owner) even getting involved in the games later on. No issues with hit taking or similar. Everyone attending was there to have fun. Three dogs mooching around the safe area at all times is always appreciated. Longer break between game modes due to the warmer weather we've been having.

We started out with a 'capture the objective' game mode where teams had to activate/de-activate lights on an objective box between the two team spawns. Our team were second to the objective but handily dispatched the other team and defended thee objective as the enemy team declined to use the better sight lines afforded from their side of the field. Great comms across all players.

Second game was an attack/defend scenario further back in the site. Defenders with 3 lives, attackers with unlimited. The defenders who last the longest win. We attacked first getting bogged down (quite literally) in some places due to stubborn defenders who were eventually relieved. Again, no issues with hit taking or similar. Switching sides meant we were defending and we had elected to not reload our mags leading to a overly long delay into the attack as the attackers filled up. We outlasted the attackers despite some minor confusion over how much of the site was playable (given it's literally a block of woodland). Regardless, we held out and won. By lunchtime, it was 2-0. Sadly, players left during lunch but that can't be helped. Teams shuffled randomly to assist balance.

After lunch was capture the flag. The flag was in a very exposed middle area between the two spawns. I'm pretty sure the bolt action players could reach each other spawn. The field was super wide but narrow if that makes sense. Mostly my focus was on the right flank as it had some heavy shrubs/bracken offering concealment and limited structures for cover. After fumbing a pyro throw and being killed by a likewise reply I went left from spawn and moved through the pyramid style barricades and log walls that had been constructed. After 4 or 5 clean semi-auto kills the action on my flank died down and game end was called with the enemy team getting the win. 2-1. It was during this game that half my charging handle decided to drop off. Amazing.

The final game I played was 'duo kill confirmed' where everyone had one armband which was your 'life'. If you got hit, you counted to 10. If, within that 10 seconds, anyone came to claim your armband (and you were left without one) you were out. If you counted to 10 and no one claimed it, you were back in. The spicy rule to this game; if you killed someone and took their band, it's a extra life. In theory, you could have as many lives as players on the field if you killed them all and took their bands. If the enemy you killed had multiple bands, you can only take one while they count down from 10.

For this game mode, myself and the player I was teamed with purposely backed ourselves into the corner of the play area so that we only had two angles to watch. We were engaged in a lengthy trade off with another duo resulting in nothing but wasting ammo and the enemy duo retreating as well as discovering strange hop issues arising from both our rifles. Fuck. After a few minutes of fuckery, we managed to get our rifles settled in time for TWO separate teams joining forces against us, pushing from both sides. This was our Alamo and my excuse to break out all of the pyro I had brought. One of the enemy split away and pushed to our left who I 'killed' several times but was never close enough for me risking running to take his band. My partner was in a slightly elevated tower watching the mid and right, delaying the other three enemies as much as physically possible. Eventually the enemy on my left got close enough I could just throw pyro at him to get the kill and delay his attack but still not close enough to take his band. Then it happened so quick, my partner was hit, I killed his killer, I was killed, partner was back in - killing my killer allowing me back in, rinse and repeat. The enemy pushed closer all the time this was going on and eventually ended with myself and my partner being out and we watched the final two teams constantly trade fire two feet away from each other while laughing before calling it a draw realising it was fruitless.

Negative: In small areas it was boggy, almost lost a boot at one point :D Also, nettles suck which I knelt in a few times plus thorns. Nothing new to woodlands players.

Positive: What a great day, will definitely be going back here. Owners, site, level of play, game modes and players were fantastic. Can't recommend enough.

The only thing I could suggest is having a photographer to push more social media engagement however I appreciate that getting someone regularly avaible isn't easy. People like seeing pictures of them in their gear and it brings more attention to the site when people ask where the pics were taken.

I'll be turning up the 'night time' event you have on after BZFest but i'm not looking forward to going against NVG wielding people in what's already and tricky environment to move around in and running into a tree or three.

Edited by MrTea
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