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Ive been looking to buy my first gun. I came across two AKMS's, one being by E & L (£250)  and the other being a RK10 DBOYS (£130). After reading some reviews i am still consufed on which one is better to get in terms of build quality and accuracy. Is it worth buying the E & L AK, or can i get a good one from DBOYS for a cheaper price? ( Below i put the website which has the specs of each gun ) 


RK10: https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/rk-10-akms-aeg-real-wood-handguard

E & L: https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/el-akms-essential-aeg-real-wood-handguard?search=AKMS

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I have the DBoys one; all I have done to it are the standard things that I do to any AEG:
Change the hop rubber and nub.
Clean the barrel
Reshim, regrease, check the airseals, fit a mosfet.


It is very reliable and shoots well.

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E&L for quality, dboys for budget


then again I have an ex rental dboys ak74u and it's never missed a beat and it's been battered

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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