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G&G L85A2 ETU help


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My Rifle seems to be low on FPS and had a shooting distance of only around 20 meters.


can anyone suggest the best upgrades i can do to get up to uk legal fps with a good accuracy range?


the only mod its had since new was the piston.


thank you in advanced.

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What is the current FPS?


Clean the barrel, check that the hop rubber is intact, open the gearbox and check that the piston head O ring and cylinder head O ring are sealing; if they are not replace them with parts from https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/.  Also check that there is no leak between the nozzle and the cylinder head pipe; if there is, get a new nozzle with an internal O ring, if one is available for the G&G L85.

If you want to improve range and accuracy, get an XT barrel, a Maple Leaf Macaron hop rubber and a red Omega nub from https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/.

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thank you for this. I don't know the current fps but it was below 300 last time I had it chrono'd.  All parts have been cleaned and lubed with silicon oil.  I'll look into getting the mentioned parts next.  Would a new spring be worth investing in and if so what would be the recommended one?  100 or 120?

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11 hours ago, raynor said:

thank you for this. I don't know the current fps but it was below 300 last time I had it chrono'd.  All parts have been cleaned and lubed with silicon oil.  I'll look into getting the mentioned parts next.  Would a new spring be worth investing in and if so what would be the recommended one?  100 or 120?

What weight BBs are you using?  If you are using, for example, 0.25g, being just below 300FPS is not a problem.  If you are going to work on a gun, you really need to buy a chrono.

What did you lube with silicone oil?  Gears should not be lubed with it; you need to use something like Super Lube or gun grease.  It is possible that you have got silicone oil on the hop rubber, which could explain the very short range.

A new spring is only worth investing in if doing everything listed does not drag the power up to where it should be.  If everything is sealing, you should only need an M100 or M105 spring.

Edited by Colin Allen
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M110 will take you over the limit i've found in my L85. I got right on the 340-345 mark using a M105 spring from AK2M4 which leaves some room for a sensitive chrono however, you need to diagnose your problem first. I've had guns shooting at 280fps and still firing BBs the distance of my indoors arena.

Diagnose and fix the poor performance first then start boosting performance.

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I think in part my issues where done to me doing some maintenance.  I have purchased new parts based on advice here however I couldn't change the cylinder\head as the ones I ordered didn't fit.  It looks like I had an incorrectly fitted buckling too.


After these changes I was firing at only around 280fps on my chrono (one from AK2m4) who has been really helpful too.  I have now changed the spring to an m10 and this now has me around 325 fps on 0.2's  I'm popping into my local Airsoft Store tomorrow as I need a new speed loader and will see if they can chrono it too.


Thank you everyone for your advice.  It has been really helpful.

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The L85 Cylinder head is non-standard so it's hard to find aftermarket/upgrade ones. Here's a link to, what I believe is, a direct replacement should you ever need it.

Edited by MrTea
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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