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Berget 20 - Sweden

Berget Events

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Berget Events is hosting its 20th game this summer. To celebrate this anniversary Berget 20 will go all-in on both ingame and safezone activities. The main game objective will be a large built up abandoned military base with extensive networks of trenches, bunkers, CQB buildings and plenty of props. This objective will be in the center of the map, contested by all larger factions. In the safezone there will be exhibits, shops and some special anniversary competitions and giveaways for both new and old players.


The tickets will be released on Sunday the 26/11 at 20:00 CET GMT+1


Please visit the berget website for more information about the game: www.berget-events.com


You can also watch a short teaser from our previous game:


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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