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ASG CZ P09 venting


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Hi all


I have just bought a new ASG Cz p09 poly slide pistol. I brought 2 new extra mags with it. All 3 mags vent after firing 4 or 5 rounds in rapid succession. Sometimes it won’t even push out a bb and it rolls out seconds later. I’ve tried abbey 144a gas and WE green gas, both give the same results. 

I presume it’s the pistol as opposed to the mags. 

Can anyone advise me on this please? I have 4 other pistols from different manufacturers and none have this issue. 

Many thanks



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Like someone stated above it sounds like a nozzle issue. It should be moving freely with just enough resistence to keep a tight seal. Some silicone oil on the piston might help.


The higher preassure gas might have helped push the nozzle harder.


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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