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ARP-9 motor


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My ARP gave out on me a few months ago, been tinkering with it, stripped the gun down and realised it was the motor. Everything is stock including my dead motor. I've been looking and was wondering if the ASG INFINITY CNC Motor at 35k would be a good replacement? 



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Can't speak to that one, it's way above my pay grade.  Just checking, you've put voltage directly across the motor terminals from the battery?  Is there any sign of why it's not working?  Brush wiring can come loose.

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7 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Can't speak to that one, it's way above my pay grade.  Just checking, you've put voltage directly across the motor terminals from the battery?  Is there any sign of why it's not working?  Brush wiring can come loose.

Read this and just checked the brushes, decided to solder the brushes instead of a clamp but battery’s dead. Will keep you updated though 👍🏽 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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