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Good news! I'm a douche nozzle!


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Recent post about my 1911 mags not firing a full mag....

When I first got my gun I saw a co2 spring that's beefier than the one that was in the gun!

At the time, thinking the spring may help with fire rate or just assuming more power = happier me, I swapped for the bigger spring!

Knowing now it only effects the recoil I have swapped them back. As I have since purged and oiled the mags, I'm now getting a full mag plus 15 shots before it's out of gas!

This won't help with the cold issues but I feel better knowing that atleast the gun and mags are sound and I was the problem all along!

I'm not giving up on finding a cure for the cold freezing up the mags outdoors but I'm glad that I can atleast shoot full mags now.

To all who commented trying to help me, I thank you but thankfully the issue was the idiot behind the gun and not the gun itself!

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20 hours ago, DRaZZ said:

I'm not giving up on finding a cure for the cold freezing up the mags outdoors

If you do, you’ll clean up. Literally every gas shooter wants this, buts it’s a little like a perpetual motion machine. Ain’t gonna happen

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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