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Specna arms SA bo-4


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Hello, airsoft-forums.uk users!


I am wondering which of the batteries offered by gunfire will work best for this gun: https://gunfire.com/en/products/specna-arms-sa-b04-one-tm-carbine-replica-half-tan-1152203170.html

As well as a battery charger.



P.s As far as I have read the info, some places recommend this battery: https://gunfire.com/en/products/lipo-11-1v-1450mah-30c-3-cell-battery-1152216897.html

Some places recommend a 7.4 V Li-po or 11V Li-po.

That's why I'm turning to you, hopefully an experienced person will be able to give me an answer to the question of which of the batteries is most suitable for the Specna Arms weapon



Have a successful work week!

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Since GunFire isn't interested in selling to the UK, I won't be going through their stock to pick out specific examples.


Generally though, I'd stick to 7.4V lipo, as you can experience double-tapping in semi-auto with 11.1V.  Some people get away with it, some don't - my SA-E02 EDGE double taps with 11.1V and an M90 or M100 spring on the stock motor.  You might get lucky though, depending on the motor in the SA-B04, and the spring that you're intending to run.


The SkyRC S65 is the charger that we're currently recommending for all batteries.


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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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