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M14 Scope Mount


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I've just recently picked up a G&G M14 with the intentions of building an "xm21" out of it, but currently not wanting to drop the asking price for 'Nam correct scopes. Picked up a cheap look-a-like scope and low profile mounts, but can't find a railed (Or any for that matter) M14 scope mount. On top of that, apparently G&G M14's don't fit many other rails without modification.


Does anybody know of anywhere with an M14 20mm rail in stock, and is there a list or something that has the compatible mounts with said G&G rifle? Haven't found a conclusive one yet.


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3 hours ago, JinxDuh said:

I've just recently picked up a G&G M14 with the intentions of building an "xm21" out of it, but currently not wanting to drop the asking price for 'Nam correct scopes. Picked up a cheap look-a-like scope and low profile mounts, but can't find a railed (Or any for that matter) M14 scope mount. On top of that, apparently G&G M14's don't fit many other rails without modification.


Does anybody know of anywhere with an M14 20mm rail in stock, and is there a list or something that has the compatible mounts with said G&G rifle? Haven't found a conclusive one yet.




If you're on that there Facebook, come join the Airsoft M14 group.


I have a Cyma railed sight mount going spare if it's any good for you, as far as low profile mounts go, about the only easy(ish) to get hold of ones are the G&P copies of the ARMS #18 mount, but even then you'll be buying from China if you can find stock.


You'll no doubt be totally unsurprised that this question has been asked before! 


I have this one on my Cyma M14, Seal Airsoft are pretty reliable and they seem to have them in stock too. http://sealairsoft.com/pro_details.php?product_id=861&fbclid=IwAR2IZfWygMy8FYPdkTSRDcy0ULh0HV_NxkGobiNBz41pYlVhZMWEns9o1ng

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3 hours ago, JinxDuh said:


Could you send me a pic of it when you get the chance? As for the facebook group I think I've joined the correct one 😂


I'll have to dig it out but it's one of these:



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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