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keep Old kwa cqr mod 2 or new gun?


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Hello all, I am considering selling my old kwa cqr mod 2 and buying a possibly brand new gun. I just wanted everyone's input on what you would personally go for. My kwa is all stock, its been sitting for a while so hasnt been used a ton. However, the lower receiver has a hairline crack on both sides by the rear body pin. A plastic replacement is around £19. a metal one is £37 (id probably go metal)  . Id be selling it for like £85, however shipping and fees would knock it down to like £70 profit. It works just fine and there's nothing wrong with it that I know of and I dont think its a bad gun.


If i went another route id be willing to spend up to like £185. What would be some good reasons to either keep this or move on? 


I was just wondering if some of you would go with something less proprietary( i hear some people have no issues besides maybe a couple small parts)/ less old or stick with this since I already have it and it works fine. (I would like to change the stock cylinder though and possibly the spring)

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With the exception of the cracked body, which you've already found potential (& cheap replacements), does it do what it's supposed to ?, what's the fps & accuracy like, if both are good I'd be inclined to say replace the body & keep using it, as frankly what your estimating its selling price to be is next to nothing for a competent aeg

That's not to say don't get another one, on the contrary, fill your boots, always good to have a spare aeg, recommend you get something that uses your existing mags, doesn't necessarily need to be another armalite platform, loads of non armalites out there that take the same mags, & even a few that in standard form don't, but with the addition of a mag we'll adaptor, hey presto they do 😁


PS welcome to the forum 🤟

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

With the exception of the cracked body, which you've already found potential (& cheap replacements), does it do what it's supposed to ?, what's the fps & accuracy like, if both are good I'd be inclined to say replace the body & keep using it, as frankly what your estimating its selling price to be is next to nothing for a competent aeg

That's not to say don't get another one, on the contrary, fill your boots, always good to have a spare aeg, recommend you get something that uses your existing mags, doesn't necessarily need to be another armalite platform, loads of non armalites out there that take the same mags, & even a few that in standard form don't, but with the addition of a mag we'll adaptor, hey presto they do 😁


PS welcome to the forum 🤟

I believe so, I haven't really shot it out on the field for a while so i cant remember lol. As for the fps i really should get a chrono in case i do any modifications down the road or just to check how the gun is doing now after sitting a bit. I thought the accuracy was good from what I can remember. Also yeah, I was kinda thinking like if it works and I dont have any issues, I dont see why I should replace it, especially considering I wouldnt be getting much out of it. And if it was lacking I could just buy upgrades for it. I wouldnt go crazy and replace everything as I hear kwas are good out of the box. If I want an upgraded gun I figure it would probably be cheaper to get something like a mas marauder or specna edge vs replacing every single part.


One of the deterrents was that Ive heard some stuff is proprietary and modifications might need to be done for certain things. But it sounds like if youre willing to learn how to use a dremmel basically anything is possible.  Also I would assume if given the choice of the cqr vs modern guns most would go for the modern as they get more for just a tad more money. Although I figure, since I got it used the value isnt what it was so maybe its a more bang for my buck thing right now compared to the price it was new and vs more up to date brand new guns considering what id sell it for.


I actually do have a spare aeg which is a lancer m4 lol. I know at least trigger response wise the kwa is much much better. (something that is super nice after using my lancer for a while and not being able to nearly as fast as my kwa. however, Ive only used a 11.1v lipo on it and its wired to deans. Vs a lancer that gets semi lock up with a 7.4v and wired to tamiya when im not shooting very fast at all.


Side tangent but I recently bought used vfc externals and the lancer I would assume is the only gearbox that would fit in the shell. And now thinking about the lancers semi lock up it might be something ill have to upgrade if I can. (it could possibly be from me not doing a full trigger pull always. But i havent really had the issue on the kwa. and im sure deans connectors would help a tad)



Also, thanks for the welcome and thanks for your help! I think you did an awesome job helping me decide to keep it since for the value id sell it at, it might not be worth it and it's a fine gun as it is now with no issues besides the receiver.

Edited by airsofft
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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

With the exception of the cracked body, which you've already found potential (& cheap replacements), does it do what it's supposed to ?, what's the fps & accuracy like, if both are good I'd be inclined to say replace the body & keep using it, as frankly what your estimating its selling price to be is next to nothing for a competent aeg

That's not to say don't get another one, on the contrary, fill your boots, always good to have a spare aeg, recommend you get something that uses your existing mags, doesn't necessarily need to be another armalite platform, loads of non armalites out there that take the same mags, & even a few that in standard form don't, but with the addition of a mag we'll adaptor, hey presto they do 😁


PS welcome to the forum 🤟

Also I found a kwa cqr mod 1 that looks like it has a metal lower going for £74. I prefer the slightly shorter barrel of the mod 2 but that gun would be basically a little more than half the cost of a new metal lower (the lower looks a bit scuffed up though, it was an old rental). Im not sure if I should pull the trigger on it for the metal lower, but id have spare parts then. On the other hand, its a rental so maybe it was beat on and the externals/ internals might be a little beat up. Any thoughts?

Edited by airsofft
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It's definitely a viable option, especially as a donor, as for the conditions of the internals, who knows ?, maybe offer a bit less on the basis of the exterior marks & rental "history", or lack of. 

If you did get it, I wouldn't open either of them up yet, just use both until something fails, forcing you to start working on them, until then you'd like have 2 competent working guns. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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