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Few gun enqs - KA P90, G&P M4 and TM Aug


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Hi all,



I was going through some of my kit the other day as I am due to have my first game in over 2 years in September. I tried test firing and zreo-ing in a few and I had a few issues. They are minor issues and it seemed a bit wasteful to make several topics, so here we are.


King Arms P90 - mags wouldn't feed. I have a high cap and a mid cap mag and neither would feed, despite both feeding flawlessly a few months ago. I have made no alterations at all to the gun. I know P90 mags can be quite temperamental; are there are tips or tricks for P90 mags? I'm honestly not sure what brand the mags are, they came with the gun as a package when I bought it and the buyer wasn't sure of the brand.


TM AUG High Cycle - The gun would shoot ok, but for some reason, the first trigger pull would not fire the round, but the bb would then roll out of the end of the barrel when the gun was pointed downward! All shots after the first would fire no problem. IF the gun mag was taken out and then reinserted, the same would happen, first round wouldn't exit the barrel but would then drop out when the gun pointed downwards. Every shot after would just roll out.

I imagine it could be the way I have put the barrel back together? I took out the stock barrel and swapped it for a 340mm barrel to boost the fps without having to alter the gearbox (It worked; bumped the stock 270 fps to around 310-320). I did take the hop tension off but it didn't prevent it happening again.


G&P LMT M4 - The motor on this has an awful screech. Its doesn't appear to be the height as I have adjusted the height and done a long trial and error test but to no avail. Any recommendations for a good high torque motor that won't break the bank?



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G&P if it's the standard m120 motor is the pinion worn as they are made of cheese but 1 common issue I find is people feed the wiring wrong in the grip , both wires feed to the back of the grip (+end ). 

Motors cant go wrong with shs. 

Other reasons for the sound you are hearing could be a broken tooth , bearing and even axle that are all common failures with the g&p box.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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